God Gear – When you simply don’t care about combat realism. Please report any bugs that may be found in the comments section. This mod can be placed anywhere in a load order. This mod should not conflict with any other mod as long as it doesn’t modify merchant gold level also. Rich Merchants of Skryim– This is a simple mod that increases the extremely low vanilla merchant gold level to 10,000 gold for every merchant in-game. it is also said this has a basement that connects to all your other homes once your buy own steal them this will help you get through the world faster with out having to leave the towns or cities.

Today I am going to talk about my top 6 favorite mods for Skyrim If you like to get mods sign up at I was told that Play station 4 is only allowing 1GB of mods which I do not Think its enough I am not sure about the Xbox but I think both Console should have between 6GB to 10GB for mods, SO please contact sony and ask for more room for mods and to go Bethesda and asked that all mods should be on all platforms,I will be updating this as more Mods come out,ĭovahkiin Keep– Large Castle that can hold a lot or armor and weapons with well over 100 Mannequins, allowing you to create every possible armor combination you can come up with.